RCM's Executive Health Program
RCM’s Executive Health is a recognized and valued supplier of a unique comprehensive/ integrated service offering to meet all the concierge healthcare needs of the senior management team and members of the C suite.

Comprehensive Integrated Concierge Care Services
Accessing timely quality healthcare services in Canada is challenging. Executives are very concerned about how to access care if they or a family member become ill.
Over the last 27 years, RCM Health has completed thousands of complex healthcare cases with clients located anywhere in Canada.
RCM Health provides executives with timely access to RCM’s global network of over 4,000 specialists with deep domain expertise and over 2,800 vendors of healthcare services.
When access in Canada is not available, then RCM Health can arrange for care in Europe or in the US. RCM Health has established relationships with 35 centres of excellence in the US.
Accessing RCM Health’s Global Network of Over 4000 Specialists

Executive Health 2.0
RCM Health provides a unique menu of over 100 different types of services to meet the healthcare needs of senior executives and members of the C suite.
One of the services provided is executive coaching in strategic communications and the management of key relationships. This service has proven to be essential in the management of critical issues.
Another unique service for executives is having access to an executive assistant at RCM Health for any healthcare matters.

RCM Health's Team Approach To Care
The most effective approach to addressing healthcare problems is with an integrated team consisting of complementary skill sets employing advanced customer facing technologies.
RCM Health’s integrated care teams are available to support, advise and advocate for the executives of our corporate clients in addressing their varied healthcare concerns.
Integrated Team of Medical Experts Are Immediately Available

Actively Managing Total Corporate Health Risk
The health of each senior executive is a factor in determining the productivity and profitability of the corporation. RCM Health works to decrease total health risk by assisting and supporting executives with any type of healthcare need. The focus at RCM Health includes addressing complex medical, surgical, mental health and substance use disorder needs.
Assisting and Supporting Employees with Any Healthcare Need

Your Corporate Medical Director
RCM Health will assign a medical director and his/her support team to be responsible for any and all healthcare needs and decisions at the corporation.
The medical director will function as a first point of contact for the executives to seamlessly deliver whatever services are required.
Single Point of Contact for All Executive’s Healthcare Services

Managing Any Level of Health Complexity
When healthcare problems are complex, there is a need for an integrated care team and deep domain expertise. Many patients with complex healthcare problems are lost in Canada’s dysfunctional healthcare system when there is no advocate representing them and their needs. If they are lost in the system, then they are no longer productive at work and disability claims will likely occur.
Integrate Healthcare team with Deep Domain Expertise

Healthcare in Canada is Broken
Accessing healthcare in Canada is a challenge. About 6.5 million Canadians do not have access to primary care. RCM Health’s programme gives all executives timely access to all levels of healthcare. Executives can access virtual and/or in person care in a variety of environments depending on their needs.
Timely Access to Care

Personalized Solutions to Meet Individual Needs
When executives face mental health and/or substance use disorders, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) may not be enough.
Executives with mental issues require a more comprehensive assessment, measurement based care, more time and attention to detail and follow up. Most of these individuals are entirely treatable when RCM Health’s process is introduced.

The Corporation's Return On Investment (ROI)
Corporations that retain RCM Health for executive health will receive a positive return on investment.
Executives value the RCM Health Executive Benefit and will have immediate access to a comprehensive healthcare service offering that delivers positive results every day of the year.
To Learn More About RCM Health’s Executive Program:
647 350 5500
Case Studies:

42 Years
Max was 42 years of age. He worked in real estate development. He was a development manager. He was responsible for many millions of dollars of developments.
Max was depressed, anxious, perfectionistic and had a sleep disorder. RCM’s Executive Health Program was engaged by the CEO to assist. Max worked with a gifted therapist.
He was assessed by psychiatry organized by RCM EHP. He had medication management to address his sleep disorder. He had a functional mental health assessment by RCM’s OT. He did not lose any time from work. He achieved an excellent outcome and was thankful for the assistance and support.

58 Years
Vic was 58 years of age. He was a VP at a major auto manufacturer. He had a seizure at home and was admitted to a small community hospital. His CT brain showed that he had a large but benign brain tumour.
He needed surgery. The team at RCM Health arranged for him to be transferred to a major teaching hospital. He had his surgery with the chief of neurosurgery. He had an impressive recovery and was back at work within 4 weeks. He and his family were thankful for the support of the team at RCM’s Executive Health Program.

48 Years
Dan was 48 years of age. He was a shop foreman for a manufacturer. He developed spinal stenosis. The wait for neurosurgery was one to two years.
Because his symptoms accelerated and put him at risk of permanent paralysis, RCM was able to advocate for access to neurosurgery. He had his surgery which was successful. Dan was able to return to work without a costly STD or LTD claim.

56 Years
Stella was 56 years of age. She was the CFO at a financial institution. She was anxious and depressed. Her work relationships were negative. She felt traumatised at work.
Stella worked with psychotherapy and psychiatry at RCM’s Executive Health Program. She received medication management to assist with a sleep disorder. Her eating disorder was finally managed properly.
Stella was able to improve and return to her active role as CFO. RCM’s Executive Health Program was able to prevent the loss of a highly valued employee.
Contact Us Today
Find out how RCM’s Executive Health Program can help your company to improve and empower your total healthcare.